Find out about our campaign to save this view!
Major changes now made to the Forestry Commission scheme
After our case was considered at the highest levels within all the government bodies concerned, a revised planting scheme was proposed by FCS during April in response to our campaign, and this was considered by the local community on 1 May. It had been made clear to us that our objective of no tree-planting would never be acceptable politically, but our efforts did have a considerable impact on the plans to create closely-planted woodland all around the loch. The final scheme still involves planting at Loch Arklet but there has been a significant reduction in the number of trees. See papers here and here.
These proposals have resulted in a withdrawal of formal objections by our community organisations, and we will now continue to monitor the situation very closely.
Demonstration at Loch Arklet
Local protestors who live or work there in the tourism and farming industries were angered by the National Park and Forestry Commission offering a VIP site visit to the glen to show off their proposals for new planting. See more details and photographs here!
Press Update
Latest information as prepared for the Strathard News is here - all the public sector organisations involved have now fallen back on the argument of public policy as the rationale behind putting trees in Glen Arklet.
Off to Holyrood!
On 11th March we had an 'event' in Holyrood, and explained our case to MSPs. We took the petition with over 2200 signatures with us which gave us a lot of credibility so do keep signing please! Read the Guardian article by Christopher Harvie MSP here.
Environmental Case
We have been preparing documents to show why the Environmental Impact Assessment prepared by FCS to support planting at Glen Arklet has many shortcomings. Also some illuminating facts about 'consultation' by two other public bodies (SNH & LLTTNP) with remits to review this EIA. Read more here.
Parliamentary Motion supporting campaign
Christopher Harvie MSP has lodged a motion in The Scottish Parliament supporting our case. See it here. This makes it very clear why there is such strength of feeling about the loss of an iconic, historic view and its surrounding environment. Stirling MSP Bruce Crawford shares our concerns that the current planting proposals are unacceptable. There has been cross-party support for the Motion.
Permanent damage to moorland
FCS has now confirmed that the visible area where moorland near Loch Arklet was disrupted cannot be fully reinstated. Read more here.
745 on the e-petition
2316 on the paper petition
This support helped us prove to Forestry Commission Scotland and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park that it's not just the 50 people living nearby who care about Loch Arklet. We also took the petition to Holyrood to show to members of The Scottish Parliament.
National Park & Scottish Natural Heritage condone loss of Loch Arklet landscape
Click on the links below to see the stunningly beautiful views of Loch Arklet proudly promoted by Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park on its website and promotional material.
We believe these bodies should not be supporting plans to change the special qualities and uniqueness of this location, but should be ensuring its conservation for future generations.
© Save the Loch Arklet View Campaign 2009